Time-sensitive info. below
- The GP "Weekend" Poll: What's better for the weekend, video games or travel? - 1 vote - open
- The GP "Business" Poll: What's better for green business, voluntary sustainability or compliance sustainability? - 1 vote - open
- The GP "Green" Poll: What's better for environmental advocacy, environmental journalism (reporting) practices or environmental organization (non-profit) practices? - 1 vote - open
- The GP "Government" Poll: What's better for international, national, regional, and/or local environmental policies, democrat (liberal) politics or republican (conservative) politics? - 1 vote - open
- Have you recently read a renewable energy article through GP's social media? - 0 votes - open
- Have you recently read a geographic article through GP's social media? - 0 votes - open
- Have you bought an eco-friendly and discount seasonal product with the GP Search Engine? - 1 vote - open
- #PtaxOnTcrimeY2K #forecast #alert - Should anybody (e.g., TX police, etc.) pay the #gpPunitiveTax? - 1 vote - open