About GP

Greenprofiler.com (GP) practices information services for individuals, businesses, governments, or other organizations with green goals. GP's strategy has evolved over the years since coming online as a concept in early 2010. GP's mission is to advance green markets. GP has 10+ years of green equity. You are investing in environmental commodities or other green markets by using GP. GP is eco-friendly because GP invests in environmental commodities or other green markets (e.g., carbon offsets, renewable energy credits (RECs), etc.) in the United States and around the world.

Sylvan Green is the American entrepreneur who founded GP. Sylvan has also been an investor since 2008 and has invested in a sustainable diversified portfolio of stocks. Sylvan is an alum of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and his business and investment philosophy of sustainability were crafted by his studies at the university.

You are investing in environmental commodities or other green markets by clicking on the ads on this site. The ads on this site are eco-friendly because GP uses the ad revenue from this site to invest in green markets (e.g., carbon offsets, renewable energy credits (RECs), etc.) in the United States and around the world.