Trending Product/Service Lead Generation
Time-sensitive info. below
Individuals, businesses, governments, and/or other organizations that sell trending products/services can use GP to generate leads for prospective trending products/services transactions that are environmentally offset by an intrinsic participation in the Friend (or Sponsor) of GP Environmental Program. Trending Product/Service Lead Generation is powered by GP's green profile (short tagged article) platform. A green profile is a short tagged article for time-sensitive content like news, press releases or blog posts that can be used to promote your content on GP’s frontpage.
How does Trending Product/Service Lead Generation work?
1) You create a GP account.
2) You compose a blog post and post a green profile.
-In your blog post and green profile, describe the trending products/services and why you choose to environmentally offset the environmental impact of your trending products/services by an intrinsic participation in the Friend (or Sponsor) of GP Environmental Program.
3) You contact GP.
-Inquire about Trending Product/Service Lead Generation.
-Inform GP about the information you need from prospective buyers.
4) GP reviews your request for Trending Product/Service Lead Generation.
-You will be notified if your request is approved.
5) If approved, you can confirm your request by selecting a Green Profile Promotions package.
6) If a package is selected, GP attaches a customized contact form to your green profile.
-The form will aggregate the information you need from prospective buyers.
7) GP places your green profile on a featured list to promote your trending products/services.
8) You can sit back and wait for the leads to start generating.